
Adventureworks database customers from california
Adventureworks database customers from california

adventureworks database customers from california

adventureworks database customers from california

So it's big enough to be interesting, but not unwieldy. It represents a fictitious bicycle parts wholesaler with a hierarchy of nearly 300 employees, 500 products, 20000 customers, and 31000 sales each having an average of 4 line items. The result is 68 tables containing HR, sales, product, and purchasing data organized across 5 schemas.

adventureworks database customers from california

AdventureWorks 2014 for Postgres - Scripts to set up the OLTP part of the go-to database used in training classes and for sample apps on the Microsoft stack.Copy CSV data, with appropriate munging:ĬOPY land_registry_price_paid_uk FROM '/path/to/pp-complete.csv' with (format csv, encoding 'win1252', header false, null '', quote '"', force_null (postcode, saon, paon, street, locality, city, district)) If schema changes/field added, consult: ĬREATE TABLE land_registry_price_paid_uk(

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Download file "pp-complete.csv", which has all records. The land registry file from has details of land sales in the UK, going back several decades, and is 3.5GB as of August 2016 (this applies only to the "complete" file, "pp-complete.csv").PgFoundry had a collection of Postgres-compatible sample databases but it has not been updated since 2008.Pagila is a more idiomatic Postgres port of Sakila.Sakila has been ported to many databases including Postgres. MySQL has a popular sample database named Sakila.This has the advantage of being built-in and supporting a scalable data generator. One trivial sample that PostgreSQL ships with is the Pgbench. A good intro to popular ones that includes discussion of samples available for other databases is Sample Databases for PostgreSQL and More (2006). Many database systems provide sample databases with the product.

Adventureworks database customers from california